pthe bill now goes to the house pfinance committee. pback in 2014, lawmakers crafted pa version of medicaid expansion pthat uses federal dollars to put eople on private insurance lans. pstart dropping next year. pshelley: a cruise ship that ran pinto a major winter storm is pback in port. pthe message from the ship' s pcaptain trying to explain how pthey wound up on the dangerous pcourse. ptom: a man from nasa chooses out pof prison 30 years after he was pconvicted of rape, a crime he phas always denied committing. pmike: there are many sides tor basketball star an p fashion icon russell westbrook. and with coverage in the middlepnof anywhere from u.s. cellular, p he can find some new ones. t like, farmer. t paleontologist. t hashtag t-rex. t park ranger. t where am i? r and t.v. spokesperson. t that's my line. vi got it. with u.s. cellular, you can dorall the things you like, p from the middle of anywhere. p pshelley: breaking news from poregon, pthe fbi is moving in right now pto contain the last few poccupiers of a wildlife refuge.