let's go to howard altman, war zone. reporter: thanks, pat. a couple questions., have you -- can you confirm the political reporting that the ground launch bomb could be delivered to ukraine as soon is as tomorrow, and has the pentagon been informed of ukraine by any change at the top of its command as there has been discussion about the general being replaced. has ukraine said anything definitive to the pentagon? general ryder: on your latter question, i'm not tracking any changes. obously it's for ukraine to discuss the internal domestic affairs. as far as the small diameter bomb, as we acknowledged last year, we will provide ukraine with the underlaunch small diameter bomb as part of theai . however, due to operation security reasons, we're not going to confirm specific time lines and defer to ukraine to talk about any delivery but we do, as i mentioned, continue to work closely with ukraine and our industry partners to ensure uk use the capabilities that we're delivering to them and as quickly as possible. thanks. sir? reporter: recognizing there's an ongoing