the other thing, we were talking about this earlier with howard bragman, newt the nice guy.y above the fray. he says he's not going to get down there into politics. here is what he said to reporters in south carolina whot we -- who were asking him about these new attacks. >> i'm going to stay positive. i'm going to talk about how we solve the country's problems, and i have one opponent, barack obama. and i'm not -- that's how our campaign is going to keep moving forward. >> how long can he keep up the nice guy act? >> i don't think that he can. newt gingrich has a history of being an attack dog. that's how he became speaker of the house, that's the way he conducted himself as speaker. you saw this conference call that was talked about a lot on msnbc where people who worked with mitt came out swinging against him and saying he was not good leader, that os only out for himself. by the way, he's still the guy who wants to put kids to work as janitors in their own school. he can't help himself. he's going to say something that's going to be caustic. >> the folks who came out --