for more on this, i spoke yesterday with sports journalist and espn contributor howard bryant. 's great to have you with us. these allegations, as you know, against the washington football team, they date back 20 years. and at the house oversight hearing this past week, roger goodell said that the team's negative culture no longer exists, but he said that the environment under owner daniel snyder was unprofessional and unacceptable. so, why then does goodell and the rest of the team owners continue to stand by dan snyder? >> number one, roger goodell simply cannot say that a certain workplace culture doesn't exist anymore. that's his opinion, whether it works or not. if you talk to the people who work at that place, they're still talking and they're still talking off the record to many pele in the media. the biggest reason why they abide by it is because they're part of a private club. once you're an insider, you don't criticize other insiders. it is part of that club. and because they all know that if you turn on them one day, they may turn on you. that's exactly what this sort