he is here with howard buster, so sick and manager -- and beating manager -- and editing manager. >> search is interesting. we do a quarter of a billion query's a day and we're not trying. the vast majority of it is people trying to find people. but there is a meaningful and portion of querries our people are trying to find ran pages and business pages and some link to commercial behavior. i think there is a big opportunity there at some point and we need to go do that. it is going in an interesting direction been the legacy around searches that you have search engines like google and bing and you type in key words and the search engine runs some magic to tell you what it thinks the answer is that matches your keyword. but i think they are really involving -- really evolving to giving you a set of answers. not show me some relevance of, but i have a specific question. when you think about it from that perspective, facebook is pretty neatly position to answer the questions that people have. what sushi restaurants have my friends want to in new york in the past six months and like it?