sheriff's detective howard cole.r in the pursuit. >> it was believed that quinn gray's cell phone was being tracked to an area west of orlando. >> but something had gone wrong. before tracing the call, investigators had to get a judge's approval. and in the rush to fill out the proper paperwork, someone made a small, but critical error. >> when they actually went to get the order signed by a judge, what was typed into the actual affidavit, the numbers were transposed. >> somebody put the wrong phone number in? >> human error. >> so the phone you were following wasn't quinn's phone. >> correct. >> how long did you follow that other phone? >> all day saturday. >> and suddenly what investigators thought were solid leads from quinn's cell phone simply vanished. >> when you realized you guys were following the wrong cell phone, what? >> my hair was on fire. my hair was on fire. i thought, how can something like this happen? so we were really back to square one. who are we looking for? we have no idea. >> the rest of satur