is there a risk, howard davies, of a little britain? ward: yes, little britain is not particularly well remembered because of various caricatures in it, so we don't talk about it anymore. but there is a danger of that. the government's rhetoric is we are going to be a global britain, we are going to be a global player. we are going to do so in an open trading way, and i hope that's true. but unfortunately that is difficult to achieve, and we heard today that there is not likely to be a u.s.-u.k. re-trade deal by the end of the year, which the government had hoped. so this reorientation outside the e.u. is going to take us quite some time. the practicalities of negotiating pretrade deals are quite complicated, and i think a bit underestimated by this government and the previous one for the last four years. sir howard, if you look at the u.k., how worried are you about bad loans? unemployment will rise, and with it, of course, some of the concerns in terms of provisions that will need to be booked by banks. howard: yes, that is certainly t