are the entrepreneurs, like howard motola. you would be pawning your grandmother's diamond necklace toaurant? no, no! but it's not easy being an entrepreneur starting your own and it was difffcult for me to get a small business loan. it's appraised at about 54 thousand ddllars. he 30 thousann.300thosand dollaas. motola will pay thirty-six hundred four--onth's the upshot: no extensive appliiations, and no knocks to your crdieprtf st does not mean you have 700 but u tn u ed ddb. oratha & uanffd ---d--- cash in ... with twitter! twitter!the credit card company theyyve teamed up with... and theestores &poffering discounts. some wells fargo customees will haae to shell out extra money for having a checking account.the amount of the new fee... and how you can avoid it. 3((break 3)) 3 --reporter pkg-assfollows -- investors showed more optimism thursday on word of progress gained 70 points to close at 12,9977the nasdaq and the s&p 500 aaso ended igher if you're conssdering refinancing your home loan- now ay be the time..ortgage rates are flirting wiih new lows again