you mentored howard samuels years and years ago. and helped him with his own addiction issues. very polarizing views about this, tell me this i'm a father of three sons 13, 16 and 20 they're all going to be exposed to tobacco, drugs of some sort, alcohol and so on. what is the best argument a parent can use of a child of teenaged years that marijuana is more dangerous to them than alcohol or tobacco. >> i don't know that marijuana is more dangerous, it is very dangerous, though and we have now only 8 or 9% of the american public who use marijuana, 52% of the public drinks 22% smokes. and the consequences, the health and social consequences are tremendous. we're going to see. we've already seen increases in colorado. teens in colorado have a marijuana use rate, 50% more than the rest of the country. we're going to see a significant increase in the fallout from legalization in colorado and in washington state. this is not benign. you look at houses all over american, 60 to 70% of the kids that are there whose lives have become so out of control, that they have to be in a resident