. >> howard sherman, william sloan carlson,. >> teddy roosevelt. >> yeah,. >> all the major -- many of the major figures in religion and society have come to the lectures over the years and of course we have a great one coming up in january, end of january, robert risch will be here, university of california, and talking about poverty and -- >> i think his book deals with that. >> yes. >> getting a lot of attention. >> we are excited but also have some great preachers and workshop leaders. >> we will talk more about what we call the tradition of boldness at psr, let's say a word about that in the next segment. i hope you have been following us here on mosaic and please be with us in the next segment. thank you ♪ ♪ ♪ >>> we've been talking to the dr. reese of pacific school of religion. >> pacific school of religion has seen itself as a progressive voice in christianity for a long period of time. you could trace the roots of that back, the first tenured female faculty member the first seminary -- >> georgia harkness. >> right the first seminary to train an openly gay man, for ministry b