. >> what made me think also is that you have had some focus around howard thurman, one of my favorite thinkers and writers and spiritual giants of the past and i believe reverend dorsey blake was there for the celebration. can you remind me of what that was? >> he did an event in our shop on the spirituals, we sang, and he used some of doctor thurman's writings, and he wore his robe when he came, that was very special. >> thurman for those that were listening, he founded the church of the fellowship of all people in 1934, quite a unique church in the country. and he was here, well, he lived to about 89 years of age and i happen to go to his funeral. it was a four hour funeral and i enjoyed every moment because they had speakers and singers in scripture reading. it was a wonderful experience. i'm glad you had such a broad approach. >> a wonderful resource an american theologian. >> way ahead of his time. >> we have one more. >> a lot of people reading some of the contemporary buddhist writings are seeing similarities with doctor thurman . >> is common ground. >> yes. >> we have one mor