. >> one of the beneficial for when howard thurmond went to india is the experience in formininforming the movement ths so important can you talk about what we learned? >> we cannot be talking about the role but thank you for reminding me he went in 1959 they had been following the civil rights movement they want to introduce you and when he heard that introduction it didn't land so easily on something he hadn't thought anyway then he thought about the work and the lives he was advocating for and marching for in the movement and that even in that moment they were not allowed really to vote or use the facilities and they were facing great danger so he thought about it and said yes and he then later spoke about it so doctor king himself made and the connection between the hierarchy. >> what is the most illuminating example of addressing the problems and injustices? >> i think because of the work and the 12 years of the unimaginable horror they've worked to reconcile their history but it's about what exactly happens and everyone could be on the same page about what happened there and when