this wednesday before thanksgiving, we demand the attendance of howard ward. reat on thent bowls capitalistic system. what will mr. trump due to your world? howard: mr. trump is a bit of a game changer. he has excited the stock market, raised expectations for growth, and it is going to be interesting to see how quickly he can deliver on his promises. tax cuts at the corporate level -- those are progrowth. deregulation -- progrowth. the big worry that the business community has is with trade. protectionist measures would not be viewed that well. belly --and mario to and mario, decades of experience -- is this new infusing as him cfo's tor ceos and invest? howard: surveys show that ceo confidence went through the reverse -- went through the roof, and actually stunning reversal. isis important because there a significant correlation between the ceo confidence surveys and gdp. so we are going to be looking at better gdp growth next year, provided we can get some of these changes made early enough in the year. you will be talking about a two-plus level of growth for