commission's the majority called for a partition and they said howard weil was to "tranche the hulu band with the last drop of our blood in the lawful defense of a lot and every inch of it. it was a simple program "no partition, a new jewish emigration, no jewish state. you could only accept the independent democratic era of state embracing all of palestine. another argument they've made, you might know tell similar some of the arguments made 50 years ago or similar to what you hear today the jews had no ancient history, the jews had no connection at all. and they said it is based on the desire to live in undisturbed possession of the country where the arabs continually existed in which they become inextricably interwoven. the jews were not defendants of ancient palesti the declaration was a violation of the league of nations in determination lot and not legitimate and as far as they were concerned the zionist goal was to prepare a jewish invasion to take palestine from the arab inhabitants. the fifth point* where this thing we could figure between bed jewish head of the agency in new yo