thank you for your time. >> thank you. >>> howard wong. as acknowledged by supervisor wiener and the city planning staff, this is complex, difficult to understand even for architects as myself or planning commissionerses like yourselves. and yet the proposal initially was to have a hearing here on november 15th, a land use committee hearing on the 19th, and a board hearing on the 20th right before the thanksgiving holidays. * without any stakeholder participation, or, frankly, notification of a wide nature to the general population. this was similar to the attempt that c-e-q-a legislation in 2006 and 2010 in this city. it was also similar to the august 2012 attempt to introduce c-e-q-a legislation in sacramento state legislature in the last two weeks of its legislative session. in sacramento, the state senator tabled the item and promised in 2013 there would be a collaborative effort to review c-e-q-a. on november 1st there was a spur and business association sponsored bus tour in san francisco with state senator michael rubio in an attemp