. >> good evening, commissioners, chief, i am howard wu, member of the cpab and api. chief can tell you what it is. i lived here for 48 years. which is -- the district is real good. still pretty good under paul. today i like to tell you i get email from the captioain of the bayview three times a day. i got an e-mail that he has an officer in his station that saved a lot of lives monday. i would like to submit this and that officer should receive an award or citation. he has done a good job. i think the chief knows him. i do not know his name but you can ask him and he -- the captain of bayview, he can find out. thank you. president mazzucco: thank you. next speaker. >> commissioners, and chief, thank you. i am from the special police officers association. there are two issues i want to bring up to you. we received a notice from our new officer that directed us to take our radios to the radio shelter. two-thirds of the radio channels were removed from our radios. we now have radio channels 1-8, which are the basic communications channels. the channels we talk to statio