and as you say, i was in a very privileged one, privileged for me, with howard zinn and noam chomsky and marilyn young and fred -- a number of others, mitch goodman, mark ptashne. and we did, in fact, get beaten over the head on the streets on several times and got the advantage of testing -- field testing, their pepper sprays directly into the face, which is very effective, if i can -- i'll give a little blurb for it here. it is very disorienting indeed. and then, again, we thought it was pretty much over when they began just clearing the streets of georgetown by arresting everybody there, including, to their fault, a number of congressman's children who were shopping in georgetown. 13,000 people were arrested and put in rfk stadium, without any warrants, without any paperwork as to why they'd been arrested, why they were there. so in the end, they were paid a small indemnity for having done that. amy: daniel ellsberg, pentagon papers whistleblower speaking in april. he died june 16 at the age of 92 just months after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. when we come back, we hear