howay, many vessels do you have in the area of this bill -- the spill to collect the oil that is received? are you going to run out of capacity to collect the oil that you are receiving? >> we have two per day receiving oil. we have several being outfitted to arrive in the next couple of weeks, and we have an additional two on the way that should be outfitted and functional potentialll by mid-july. obviously, that is not counting other vessels picking up oil on the surface, but in terms of taking production off the well, we will have up to roughly six that will take direct production ii the very near future. . . first of all is that plan for whole of your operation, or is it item by item or specific site by a specific site? starting with mr. tillerson. >> there is a gold regional plan, and with each well, there would be a plan to support that well's activities and operations. cookie cutter characterization should not be a surprise. the industry relies upon sharing of resources. in working with the coast guard and federal agencies, what we really should have is a unified plan. it does not