whatas happene since the global economic crisis in chi and howessential is that to ur own ambion? >> chinaas hit very hard. foreign trade dropped by some 0%. and...0%. anthe g.d.p. dropped to 6.1% in t first quarter a it sort of managed to do bettern the second quarter so on the whole for theirst lf of the year 's 7.1%. it's much lowerhan the average growth rate fo thelast 30 years. so chinaas hit parcularly fosome of the region along the coast. for instance, shanghai, t first quarter, the g.d.p. growth is oy 3%. around the river it's very bad, many factories collapsed and manyeople lost job, about 20 million migrant worrs went back to their me. so... but the governmt took action immediately and came up with stimulus pacge and so since th we see veryradual imovement in the pformance of oureconomy. >> rose: are you developing a consumer dema? >> that's what we hope, yeah. an because.... rose: so you won'tave to depe on expos. >> right, right. obviously we nee to chae the growth model. it ud to be exporriented and now, you know, after the financial crisis, the consumptio sideill not