howowever, is that epa has cited a provision in our federal pesesticide law that allows us to conditionally registered pesticides. it is that discretion to allllow pesticides on the market prioior to having a full l battery of tests to make safety determinations that is problematic. >> this loophole allows companies to sell a pesticide before epa gets all the safety data, and that is precisely what happens with clothianidin. >> epa registered chemical without having full knowledge of what its impacts on bees would be, and said we would do a study with the manufacturer, bayer, but in the meantime, we will allow this pesticide on the market. those are concerned about the affect of clothianidin wanted to test it in the natural setting. instead, the epa allowed bayer to conduct the study on its own product a year later. clothianidin was already in use on a 88 million acres of u.s. crop -- u.s. crops. bayer completed the study in 2007. in 2010, the agency reversed itself and from the study to be ininsufficient. tom theobald saw where it fell short. >> it consisted of pututng four colonies on two