with howttis is live politicians are reacting. inthere are senate rules place that would force crews to stop talking -- cruz to stop talking by wednesday afternoon. >> it is incredible. >> that is elijah cummings reaction to what ted cruz did tuesday. >> i rise today in opposition to obama care. >> he stood and talked on the senate floor since 2:40 pm to draw attention to his support for a house republican bill that funds the government but caps off funding for the affordable care act. >> it is not working. governments the closer to a shutdown. the senate will still vote to put the health-care reform money back into the bill and with that another stalemate. lex i will fight with everything i've got, every ounce of power that i have until i die to make act ise formal care fully implemented. the affordable care act is implement it. lex barbara mikulski did not hold back on her discussed with her fellow politicians. >> it was never meant to be a vehicle for controversy will, youocative stick it to legislation. >> a matter who is to b