what made you particularly interested in the street in hoxton?some reason hoxton street kind of got left behind, and! hoxton street kind of got left behind, and i think it is partly because it is encircled by housing estates, and the housing stock is not as desirable to estate agents, so not as desirable to estate agents, so it is a community that survived, partly by being such a strong community, and mainly because of the geography of it, because of the social housing. it feels like you're being pushed out. you interview a range of people in your film, how did you decide who you talk to?|j ended up speaking to everyone and over the course of a long time, settled in with a few characters. the pie and mash up was an obvious one because it is so traditional, and a lot of the long term original residents naturally come here, so it‘s kind of old school, in a way. i was trying to look at the anatomy of gentrification and what it means, how it happens, and who it affects. we don't want to move. i could have moved years ago. what are you hoping audience