holding back the defenses, the swampy terrain, the commander of the ninth army, harpie and general hozbachd the fifty-sixth tank corps, decide to withdraw troops to new positions about 10 kilometers away, but this requires permission from berlin hozbach, who before the start of world war ii, he was hitler's personal adjutant sends a petition for scams, he gives the go-ahead, but into the swamp. it was decided to drive the civilian population as a living soldier of rokossovsky. in at the beginning of march 1944, a group of german microbiologists headed by professor lumenthal arrives in the polissya region. their task is to determine the place of the possible use of bacteriological weapons. after inspecting the wehrmacht defense line, blumenthal points to a swamp near the village, azarichi. his assistant gaiman proposes to expand the epidemiological vices by creating two more camps in the villages of dert and boletus, and when we talk about the death camp today, we mean azarische. three camps at once. their territory occupied about 5. ha, it was planned to drive almost 20,000 people here, bu