in general, but those hpp and ddr is consistent with these policies and programs. staff has reviewed these references and concluded in no case are the propose ordinance in conflict with any of these references. particular, most of these references are general and do not meet the test of being clear financial and mandatory. for example, in the area plan policy 310 and policy 311 provide specific height for street walls and-however it does not mandate clear-the overall height of the building. hpp and ddr projects will be reviewed and proved for consistency the design guidelines. through a process that allows the commission and staff to shift the mass of the building as deemed appropriate including required setbacks consistent with the policies i just discussed-here. staff is available for questions and or to write more detailed discussion of general plan consistency and analysis. again, today you are being asked to consider general plan consistency findings of both ordinance 100 and hpp and ddr. the department recommends the commission find these ordinance consistent