aad the san bernardinn 3 dornerr...had hreateneddto 3 officials... and heir & families... in... retaliation... for being fiied... more than... ouur 3 suspected of killing... thee daughter of former lapd & officerr.. and her fiancc. 3&p"this is a man who has pemonstraaeddhh will kill ccviiians who are connected to law enforcemeet. aad, believv me, he will definitely kill somebody to elude ccpture. so don't think it's just about -3 prottcting cops. this man is a threat tt every person in los ageles." angeles." 3 3 thee -a-p-d... has also announced... it wwll reopen the ccse... that - ttrmination...///. he... accused... hisstrrining officer... of... kicking a mentally ill man during a 2007 arrest...///. panel... ruled aaainst him.... & job for filing a false repprt. & cleanup is under way ttday &&ppfter.... a tornndo ouches down in southern missiisippi .... causing widesprrad damage within seconds. 3 "oh, my god. i've neverrseen a torrado efore in my life!" "llok at that tornado!! ""- " 3 cell phones nd 3 twister plit thhough briik builliigs, pickeddup trucks pnd plowed through nni