miguel ccbrera....hris davis &pbatting clean up...he doesn't o's...jooe bautista in 5th...e pth...o''sshorrstop jj ardy .3 in the 9--ole... one of the last players to bb named an all star was oriole pitcher chris tillman, who learred just aattr 1pp sunday phe americannleaaue squud... phe spot opened when justin tigees sunday...and a-llorthe manager jim llyllnd knee he "at the end of the day, i felttlike a guy thht i'd almost e embarrassed not to all-star game. i thouuhtthee deserved it. i think whennyou get 11 wiis by thh ll-star break,,i tinn that'' prettyy break,,ihe rest of the oos all- right here on foxx45...the naaional leaguee squareeoff wwih home field aavantageeinn the world serres on the line... &ppomorrowwnight at 7-30 on out in owingssmillsanddthis al - sunnda ookiessand selected veterann will eeorttfor he openingof training camp 2013... not e innaatendence...they loot 9 players since the super team's resident legend, ay lewws,who retired at tte end of last seeson...a sure fire hhll of amer in five yearr, first time ii theecity wheee announned today that lewws willlenter th