we received $140,000 from hrsa, and they are proposing to cut 118,000. i think it is a well-known fact that the one stop system is not prepared to serve people with multiple barriers looking for employment. the office of economic workforce development may not say that they know this but they provide funding to agencies, including us, to provide job readiness services, which are supposed to help people with multiple pairs of employment enter the mainstream. trading programs, funding, so that people can get to that extent. we were recently given an award by the office of work force to the elements for excellent collaboration which was presented to us by supervisor jane kim. that was in april. i just find it a conflict of interest that we are looking to be cut by one agency and being awarded by another. we depended on both sources of funding to provide excellent service as we do. i would also like to add, last year, mayor newsom added us back himself, and the before, this year -- or supervisors. we are experts in providing training and implements services t