human service agencies associated with the funding that you have appropriated in restoration at hsa peridots are matching funds required to make those programs holw. an-- whole. and the land america settlement that is appropriated in your budget for the city attorney and district attorney's office. i will submit these adjustments to you and to the clerk's office. >> thank you very much. to clarify, the technical adjustments are simply submitted. we don't need to take a motion on that, correct? so i think that is the budget. any comments from colleagues? if not, i do want to say thank you to a number of individuals who really helped us get through this process. first, i want to thank the mayor's office, the mayor, himself, in addition to chief caba, is able staff, in terms of the budget office being led by greg widener, rick has played a great role as well as your staff. the comptroller, we could not balance this without your help. thank you for all your assistance. cynthia, thanks for spending the night and helping us get through the final balancing. to the budget analyst, thank you for all