this rate card has been previewed, we present the rate card, we take it to hsf, people that work for your cfo at hsf, he checks these, he's been checking these for a long time, he does excellent work, i have to say that publicly. he does a great job and yuri goes through these so not only i, people in your independent shop look at these, all these numbers at hsf, they do a very good job. so with that being said, here is the rate cards. so we could talk a lot about all of this but in the interest of time and pragmatism of getting through the cycle, we reviewed this and i would like to recommend that you accept both rate cards as presented that have been very well reviewed as presented and accept these as the rates for 2017. now i stop and ask are there questions? >> any questions from members of the board? director dodd >> i wanted to ask commissioner breslin if the governance committee suggested we review how the rates are calculated. do you want to go through the appendix how -- particularly in terms of early retirees that specific --. >> i was talking about that for a future educat