in and positively identified aybar as the man he saw driving the mercedes the morning of the mir de hshr. >> ayba seemed a good match. and he soon got a second id from his roommate, john clemesco. he also recognized someone named pimp lover. he was referring to seth pinalver from ft. lauderdale. on the morning of the murders, clemesco said they grabbed a tech nine from the house and later returned driving a new black car. detectives went to an ex-girlfriend, melissa monroe. >> we tell her they're there about seth. eventually they take her back to the police station. they show her the same pictures and they say to her, who is this in. >> the left photograph is pablo aybar. and the right photograph is seth. >> melissa monroe had also seen seth and pablo together together at casey's bar the morning of the murders. >> i saw them at caseys on the sunday, well, saturday night, sunday morning. i talked to them when i was on the dance floor. seth kept asking me to dance. >> you had all of these witnesses that corroborated and connect ed seth and pablo to mr. butch casey, the tech nine gun and h