so it's a great resource for people who don't have any resources for html or website building or don't have any idea how to do any coding it's just a great drag and drop resource to help you build a really great-looking website that's really inexpensive. >> the app that i've been playing around with and love is called ifttt. sounds like gift but without the g. it's if this then that. great app to automate a lot of things you want to do. for instance, one of the easiest ones is build on recipes, and you can deliver the weather to your phone every day, telling you, you've got to experience it. play around with it. there's so many things you could do it's definitely amazing. >> we use an app called pick, play, post. what it does is allows us to make a college of several photos, as well as video. what we found is, in sharing these photos, via social media, it stands out and actually has a much higher rate of people responding to it, because of the video, and because of the multiple pictures to be able to share and sell our story. >> i use follow-up, it's a little known application to start