education in the field of radio electronics and computer science, and for a moment it includes both htpnd other universities that train in this... it turned out to be completely unnecessary when we switched to digital, yes, then there is a big block competencies in signal processing, circuit design, and so on, we suddenly switched to a new technology, and we had to rebuild the educational process, introducing chapters in mathematics, circuit design, and applied things that relate to digital processing of television signals, instead of analog ones, although there are a number of applications where, on the contrary, we amplify analog circuitry, for example. history exists, of course, it is used by who, the union state, that is, it is already where, yes, absolutely, the fact is that we live in the union space, we have a single union state, therefore, of course, there were a lot of key points in history, which were interpreted differently in our history, modern history, in russian history, but today we have come to understand that we must develop common approaches, this does not mean that a