foster and hubbell were there together. phone call comes from the white house and hillary says we can't make it. we have a crisis. someone in bill's family just appeared on the landscape. we will see you at the restaurant. they go to the restaurant. another phone call comes. we can't make it to dinner. we have to stay here. at which point vincent foster turns his chair away from the table and stares out the window and says not another word during the entire dinner. seven days later he killed himself. the night before he killed himself bill clinton, worried about him ask him to come to the white house to see a movie together. vincent foster says no, i am watching a movie here at home. the movie he was watching at a final scene in which the person put a gun in his mouth and shot himself. that is what vincent foster does the next day. pure tragedy. >> why was it chelsea's nanny, quote, discovered the missing billing records of whitewater? >> there's a direct connection between when those records were, quote, discovered and aff