i think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with penny as the hubble telescopean with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker. nevertheless, i do feel obligated to point out to you that she did not reject you. you did not ask her out. you're right. i didn't ask her out. i should ask her out. no, no, now that was not my point. my point was don't buy a cat. no, but you're right. i should march over there and ask her out. oh, goody, we're getting a cat. uh... no. oh, hey, leonard. good afternoon, penny. so, hi... hey. uh... i was wondering if you had plans for dinner. uh, you mean dinner tonight? there is an inherent ambiguity in the word "dinner." technically it refers to the largest meal of the day whenever it's consumed. so to clarify here, by dinner i mean supper. supper? or dinner. i was thinking 6:30 if you can go. or a different time. uh, 6:30's great. really? great. yeah, i like hanging out with you guys. us guys? yeah, you know, sheldon, howard, raj. who all's coming? they... might all be there. or a subset of them might be there. algebraically speaki