of the companies are clients, theresy think there's a challenge within technology companies of huber russ and i think they tend to breathe their own exhaust a little bit too much and they tend to be some of the worst corporate actors in america. for one example, a particular ride hailing app, the way that they approached growth was to ignore the law. and i'm not a law and order person, but the reality is we live under a construct of laws and we have to respond to them and respect them. that particular car company, in every city that they rolled out to, they simply ignored it, and states. so even with self-driving cars. so when they did something that was against the law, rather than working with another organization say let's fix this in a way that works for everybody to some degree, which means everyone walks away to some degree unhappy as well as happy, they didn't. if you could imagine an oil company or a tobacco company behaving in the way that many technology companies behave, they would be crucified. but so far -- so far that momentum is still there. i think there's a -- i don't thi