and so, when, you know, they called yip in to do huckleberry finn with burt lane, then roy and the guysm." and then yip went away. and they wanted him to work on dr. doolittle. "no, you can't hire him." and the same thing for radio and tv. and that was known as a, quote, "blacklist," which wasn't -- that wasn't the first use of the term, because in small towns we had company corporations going, if you did something that the company didn't like, you were blacklisted from town. you couldn't get a job in town. but this was the first time, due to the technology, that a blacklist was national and accompanied by a loaded word, "communist," that could get you fired anyplace. for yip, it was horrible, because his friends, who were artists, suddenly had no income. and there were suicides. there was divorces. there were people who left the country. there were people whose lives were just ruined. and so, yip supported some of them. dalton trumbo, who was one of the hollywood ten who were first picked out by the house un- american activities committee to go to jail for a year, a citation. "are you