to the river through the erie canal into lake erie to the erie canal to the hudson to the ocean that is an incredible highland, and the hub is toledo. so steven mason was the first governor in the territory of michigan to challenge that adjustment that ohio made, and the governor of ohio, robert flucas, said we are a state, you are a territory, you cannot alter a state line without our consent. i'm abbreviating things enormously. maysan in effect said and whose army is going to stop us? and he called the territory militia which my army is going to stop yours and he called up ohio's militia and we had the to face-to-face on what is known as the toledo war, which almost sparked the full scale combat but didn't because congress quickly intervened and said to michigan how about this? we will give you this peninsula coming off -- wisconsin. hardly anyone even living there. >> how about you let ohio have its way and to simplify michigan finally said okay we will take the deal. robert lucas went on to become the territorial governor of iowa, and it was in that capacity that we begin to return to quite a route yet to