this is huey louis. - [susie] huey louis. - huey louis is hanging out with us today too. you're not gonna have to go in your wallet and think that you're spending a fortune because you have great affordable things here. - [susie] absolutely. - what's the whole concept for you for your store? - so, ely road boutique, we strive to have unique pieces, patterns and prints that are affordable. i actually purchase everything from a wholesaler in los angeles. our price range is from five dollars to 50 and i would say 65% plus is american made. i steam the clothes when they come out of the box and yeah, so. - what i think i love, we're gonna go through some of these clothes here. i'm gonna start with this dress because i know that with women, we can be a little bit worried about certain parts of our body and showing certain parts. i have a feeling with what you've shown us, you try to work to help us feel a little bit more comfortable in that sense. - so, we also strive to have, our motto is unique pieces, patterns and prints ough our collection in here is a little bit more bold than your average