so huey p. newton was a reader of friedrich nietzsche. and in nietzsche he discovered a lot of things, but what he understood from nietzsche is he needed nietzsche to tell him that the things that your culture tell you are true and are universal it's, in fact, made up. or it's a product of history, it's a product of chance, it's somewhat arbitrary, but it's not true. and so don't take the voice of a racist culture as the voice of your own inner conscience. and for huey p. newton, this is what nietzsche did for african-americans, is to help them hear that they no longer had to pray to the white man's god, make themselves process strait to -- prostate to a religion -- [inaudible] as something universal, as something timeless. so huey p. newton is really intellectually, if you will, cutting his teeth on nietzsche as he and bobby seale are coming together and formulating the basis of black power. >> host: world war ii. >> guest: the reason why i sigh is there are -- i don't know of any other philosopher in