. >> my name is hugh dandroti and artist and free-speech advocate. i wanted to address that question of free speech. and i wanted to stay that my understanding of free speech is that the right resides with the speaker. in this case that speaker is not the artist who died a long time ago. the work was made for the city of san francisco and the city owns the work and choose to displaying it. by displaying it we're speaking the intent and subject expressed by that work. i think that woe all know that is unacceptable. so i think we should not be engaging in any speech that actively denigrates or demeans an entire community or cultural group or respected and cherished members of our community. i also think if there is agreement on the subject of whether or not the statue is racist we should listen to the communities affect. we should be listening to native americans peoples and we're hearing many today and a hope we hear some more. that's it. thanks. >> >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> i call on all angels to come forth and employ your streng