you have jay-z and hugh jack man, it makes a great deal to have stars behind you on this effort?> it does. it's a double-edged sword. you can lose seriousness if you focus on the celebrity aspect but they can be a tool in getting people's interest up, if you combine it with a model and community about sustainable action, there's real potential. i'm cynical as a default post tour but it can work and i'm interested to see how people show up on the concert. we'll broadcast the whole thing. mika was on the air and starting her points this morning. i've got to do the same. you know she's going to be ahead of me. >> but the think that's interesting, martin luther king jr. said, we're getting people involved, masses of people to be able to respond to this, not a handout. it's an intense participation in a very provocative project that seems to yield good results. >> and it's not getting people to give their few dollars. there's a place for that as i've said but this is something else. this is about mobilizing people to get the governments and world powers to really make a difference to