ladies and gentlemen hugh masekela.doing? we wanna be out here we wanna show our music." there's a train that comes from namibia... and malawi. from lesotho from botswana, from swaziland. from all the hinterlands of south and central africa this train carries young and old african men who are conscripted to come and work on contract in the gold and mineral mines of johannesburg. there would be press conferences all the time and the press conferences were like just people who were just hoping that i had made some kind of ridiculous mistake. but when the [bleep] hit the fan, hugh and miriam, i mean, they could barely be contained. hugh would say "what the [bleep] did you ever do for south africa?" you know, i mean, there were times when we really had to like hold him back. hugh wanted to be in a fight. so mostly, we were trying to explain that we were as anti-apartheid as could be. that hugh was in exile. that miriam was not allowed to come back for the burial of her daughter. that we were very much against the regime. an