liaison officer hugh pierson shows us around the old officers' mess, the site of many a political debatemargaret thatcher, the british prime minister at the time, also came in for some criticism, especially for her initial opposition to german reunification. >> she was one politician, with her own opinion. but i have no doubt that we as citizens knew that reunification had a future, and that it would be a good future. cargill: there's a lot of history that's been written about margret thatcher's view and about the french president's view. i'm not sure that really was very clear at the time, and whether she was right -- well, you can argue. reporter: germany has become a second home to john cargill. he'd just as soon settle here for good, even after the british forces withdraw. now he's just hoping his wife will agree. damien: european political leaders have woken up to the fact that the biggest challenge facing europe is the migrant crisis. over the next few years millions of people are likely to come. but eastern europeans, are nervous, saying they're not used to migrants or that they a