the massacre was stopped by one man, a man named hugh thompson. thompson was piloting a helicopter gunship over the village and seeing american soldiers firing activity. they are under attack by viacom, landed there, got out and was reviewing the and conference both side of american soldiers shooting elderly women, taking out babies from underneath the bodies of their mothers and shooting them and figured out what was happening and hugh thompson got into his helicopter and in the course of minutes undid every bit of training he had had as to who is an us and who is a them. he took his helicopter, landed in between the last group of surviving villagers and american soldiers coming at them with their weapons, landed his helicopter and turned his machine dawns on the american soldiers and said if you do not stop i will know you all down. what's most important to me is, none of these guys had fancier neurons than any of us. 's same neurotransmitters, same genes, same enzymes, no fancier than as. what i think we are left with is a version of that in ev