it turns out the whole thing was apparently stage with child actors here shortly. hugo shadonna, us vice president, carmella harris is allegedly making an effort to put a friendly face reports a she wants to see more relate, several more appealing come across as the true candidate of the people you guys are the see literally the craters on me with your own i, when your own, i'm telling you it is gonna be unbelievable. so that's one of the things you can do here say, which makes it so exciting. well firstly, some mabel ready? argued iris has failed miserably in this video. and secondly, the views of the clip that you just sure did not take kindly to the revelation that harris's interactions with the children were apparently all scripted after one kid came forward, saying that he had to audition for the part well, little bit. just like hollywood, in fact, a hollywood like smile and even giggles have regularly been the go to solution for harris when faced with cry, sees it at it before it became an obvious public disaster. she tried to become the star of the u. s. troop withdrawal from afgh