commissioner huie, were you done? >> commissioner huie: just one more point.hat in the past what we've seen that graffiti and things like that have been dealt with, i'd like to say graffiti and specifically etching on windows and other types of vandalism because that's been a huge problem for us in the couple of districts that i'm apart of and i think we've seen that certain areas in the city get a much more punitive kind of response when it comes to graffiti versus other districts when you know in the richmond district, when we were hit with all sorts of things, i would say we felt pretty well supported in terms of like, you know, people could talk about it. we tried to put a drive together of all the different photos, the police were very supportive, like nobody really got hit with any fines or anything like that, but then speaking to other merchants and other neighborhoods, they were hit with fines right away when something happened and there was no conversation about it. there was no community discussion about how to support their business through this sit