originally, the statue had a pipe because monsieur hulot always had a pipe.ed that pipes were not acceptable any more. it's still watchable because the theme of old versus new, it's still there. glass shatters what he would make of france today, i have no idea! i mean, back then, he was worried about the way it was going and about modernity, and about the way people were being turned into little ants in factories, and so on. what monsieur hulot would think today, with everyone going around in their headphones and living in these atomised worlds, taking deliveroo — things to eat in their lonely rooms, god knows. buzzer so, i'm going to do a hulot impersonation and pull my trousers up. that's how he walks. chuckles one of the most—loved french movies of all time has to be the costume drama cyrano de bergerac, released in 1990. it brought forth praise from both critics and audiences. christian! this film version of the classic french novel is seen by its fans as a masterpiece. a critically acclaimed film about yearning masterfully transposed into cinema. the pic