uh, to the behests of jorge our luis, and who succeed, for example, this is humbert, of course, and whatcted in real life, but they knew each other without a doubt, that is, without a doubt. they knew and you see, here it turns out to be an absolutely wonderful writer's hello i i adore umbertek because it appears in the name of the rose. this monstrous blind villain library monk jorge who denies the existence and right to exist of aristotle's book of comedy, what is the origin of the character? well, a clear hint, yes, a library of reforms, but if we dig further, we understand that in this way umbert eco takes off his beautiful italian hat and says hello to borgis, because here, of course, behind borgis is his character oveross, which is a medieval cordoba, writes treatise, and he faces. well, yes, an arab doctor, teacher, philosopher, he is faced with the aristotelian concepts of tragedy and comedy, and he does not understand them. poor guy uh-huh, that is, in this, in general, the whole search, that borhis has no sense of humor. no, i think that he just showed in such a crooked way tha