humboldt who? [laughter] and so part of my mission has been to, well, to explain something about humboldt who, how wonderful and important he was. so just a very, very quick thumbnail introduction to him here. joel also gave some useful information. i love this photograph because he looks so warm and approachable, and this was the man that i have heard described. he was, he was just exactly as warm and lively as he looks in this photo taken just a few months before his death in 1859 which was then a few months before the origin of species was published which was, would have been kind of a nice speculation to imagine had he read the origin of species. well, counterfactual history. anyway, he was worn in berlin -- born in berlin. some people know the humboldt name also through his brother born just a couple years earlier, the famous linguist, philosopher, founder of the university of berlin. alexander von humboldt is probably most famous for his american travels. 1799-1804. when i say american, we're