dupe p liberals who changed, said, boy, was i duped and then changed and weren't duped again, humphrey bogart, eleanor or roosevelt, paul douglas, john dewey. from hollywood, lucille ball, jimmy cagney, olivia dehalve lin, melanie on gone with the wind. and also a later anticommunist crusader conservative republican president named ronald reagan who admitted in 1946 that he had been misled, that he had been duped as well. democrats, on the other hand, there were anticommunist democrats and liberals from the very beginning who i think were never duped and right away recognized the danger that the communists posed to their plans and their policies. and i'm going to surprise you here. the first president who had to deal with this at the founding of the party, founding of the american communist party was who? 1919? woodrow wilson. woodrow wilson. and woodrow wilson may have been -- [inaudible] of a man on the left, all right? but he was an anticommunist x he was stridently antiboll she e vick. described the bolsheviks as barbarians, tyrants and